Date: Sun, 15 May 94 04:30:17 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #148 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sun, 15 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 148 Today's Topics: (none) 9600 Baud and Mitrek radio... Anybody use Mathcad? A question Help: Routing with X1J (2 msgs) HF DSP modems for the TI DSK I am doing a list of TCP/IP packet radio software package JV-Fax and Soundblaster Cards Missed the beginning of the DSK thread PACTOR vrs G-TOR? PK-232MBX vs. MFJ-1278B Software for KAM Plus? TEKK Radios query WA6RDH LLBBS Number Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 14 May 94 16:15:00 GMT From: Subject: (none) To: To: tcp-group From: (Desarrollo de PLaza Windows) Subject: I am doing a list of TCP/IP packet radio software package Cc: ham-digital Hi: I am doing a list of TCP/IP packet radio software package. For that, I would like you tell that TCP/IP software for packet radio do you know. Also I would like to do a catalog of diferent version of NET (KA9Q Phil Karn). If you can help me, please send me a note. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jorge Diaz V. Eduardo Millar C. "La Plaza Windows Developers" Proyecto Enlaces Universidad de la Frontera Temuco - Chile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------ Date: 14 May 1994 16:18:41 GMT From:! Subject: 9600 Baud and Mitrek radio... To: The receive audio is available unfiltered but buffered on pin 11 of the front panel control connector. The Mitrek *IS* a varactor-modulated radio. Just cut the lead feeding audio into the channel element (lift R505, as I recall), and shove the output of the modem into there. You can feed the TX audio into the unused pin 18 (the blank fat one) for a seamless installation. I have about a dozen of these in service in precisely this way. - Brian ------------------------------ Date: 15 May 94 06:40:29 GMT From:!! Subject: Anybody use Mathcad? To: Henry B. Smith ( wrote: : Does anybody use the Mathcad math package? I know that Mathsoft [some deletion] : Smitty, NA5K : -- : Henry Smith ( No, it is a little to expensive. But I do use a v.nice program called Xplore, that is shareware written by a member of the San Francisco State University faculty., all the higher math functions, large number handling. BTW, Oh, 'digital' like 'digits=fingers' right? ;) -- James Schumann ------------------------------ Date: 14 May 94 18:25:00 GMT From: Subject: A question To: Hello: Does anyone could give any information about the next software: Apple Macintosh: - Macket - MacPacket - MacRATT - MacTTY - MFJ-1287 IBM PC: - Aries-1 Packet Terminal Program - arp TRM2 PAC PRO - CompRtty Pacterm - DIGIPAC I / DIGIPAC II Pak-Comm - Ham-Com PC-Packet - Hamcom PC-Pakratt - Ham-Pak PK232Com - Kanterm-PC RTP - Lan-Link WB8COX - MFJ-1284 WD6FPY - YAPP If you know one o more of these software, please give me a reference.. Eduardo Millar C. ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 1994 16:43:27 GMT From:!agate!!!!!!!! Subject: Help: Routing with X1J To: The problem is quite simple. We can't get our local X1J node to respond to a 'ping'. If I ping the next node down the line then the local node takes it and sends it on, the remote one generates an echo reply back to the local node which then does nothing. So the routing is mixed up somehow. The local node address is and there's a route entry for Port 0 (AX.25) Any address is one that is local to the node (e.g. mine is If the local node sees an ARP request for its address then it does respond to that. But anything else that it ought to send gets lost somewhere. What routing/arp entries are required to make the node spit out packets that are for local users? Pete -- ------------------------------ Date: 14 May 94 22:57:21 GMT From:!agate!netsys!! Subject: Help: Routing with X1J To: In article <2r0anf$>, Peter Hardie wrote: > > The problem is quite simple. We can't get our local X1J node to respond to > a 'ping'. X1J will not respond to pings at all. > If I ping the next node down the line then the local node takes it > and sends it on, the remote one generates an echo reply back to the local > node which then does nothing. > So the routing is mixed up somehow. > The local node address is and there's a route entry for > Port 0 (AX.25) > Any address is one that is local to the node (e.g. mine is > If the local node sees an ARP request for its address then it does > respond to that. But anything else that it ought to send gets lost somewhere. > > What routing/arp entries are required to make the node spit out packets that > are for local users? Not sure I really understand your question Pete. I was having some trouble myself with some X1J stuff late last year. Turned out to be total cockpit error. A few you may want to add to your list is: (to wherever your IP gate is) (again, to wherever your IP gate is) Keep in mind that the X1J is not a full implementation of NOS. It won't ask for ARPs, nor can you ping it. There is just not enough room in the ram for all the code. If you are wanting something a bit more NOSish, try a Gracilis PacTen. We have one on our network and it is truly an amazing device. Randy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randy Rathbun | | I never had a pet. I figure I have NV0U@N0OEV.#NWMO.MO.USA.NA | enough stupid friends as it is. Send email for PGP public key | - Quentin Crisp ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 11:00:49 GMT From:!usc!!swrinde!gatech!!dsinc!!!vectorbd! Subject: HF DSP modems for the TI DSK To: a couple questions.... 1- has any body tried one with a HP100LX ? 2- is it just me or does the Spectrum Analyzer(in JNX's TERM) has a W31 DOS window big time ? TIA -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: 14 May 94 16:18:00 GMT From: Subject: I am doing a list of TCP/IP packet radio software package To: Hi: I am doing a list of TCP/IP packet radio software package. For that, I would like you tell that TCP/IP software for packet radio do you know. Also I would like to do a catalog of diferent version of NET (KA9Q Phil Karn). If you can help me, please send me a note. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jorge Diaz V. Eduardo Millar C. "La Plaza Windows Developers" Proyecto Enlaces Universidad de la Frontera Temuco - Chile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 May 94 20:49:37 -0500 From:!swrinde!!!!! Subject: JV-Fax and Soundblaster Cards To: Has anyone had any experience in utilizing the Soundblaster 16 card with the current version of JV-Fax (6.0/6.2)? It apparently will work with other sound cards with little problem but so far we have not had any luck with the S.B. cards. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and 73 Dave N8CLF ------------------------------ Date: 14 May 94 20:04:16 GMT From: agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!! Subject: Missed the beginning of the DSK thread To: Can somebody please fill me in on what this TI DSK thing is? Somehow I missed the beginning of the discussion. -- haynes@cats.bitnet "Ya can talk all ya wanna, but it's dif'rent than it was!" "No it aint! But ya gotta know the territory!" Meredith Willson: "The Music Man" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 May 1994 08:54:42 GMT From:!!agate!!!!! Subject: PACTOR vrs G-TOR? To: Has anyone done an on-the-air comparison of the thruput of G-TOR vrs PACTOR? If such a comparison has been published, where can I get a copy? Thanks in advance. Doug Fajardo ---------- "All that is gold does not glitter..."(tolkien) - - but then how do you know it really is gold? -- Doug Fajardo ---------- "All that is gold does not glitter..."(tolkien) - - but then how do you know it really is gold? ------------------------------ Date: 14 May 1994 14:23:48 -0400 From:!! Subject: PK-232MBX vs. MFJ-1278B To: ST>narrowed it down to the MFJ-1278B and the AEA PK-232MBX. I'd love to I have the MFJ1278B. This is the only TNC I have had, so I can't really compare. ST> "random code generator" (?) This random generator allows for practicing CW. I have never used it. ST>Is the MFJ fax really full-color, or is it "color shading" instead of gray? I think it depends on the transmission mode???? ST>How common are SSTV transmissions? Common enough on 14.230, if you are looking foor SSTV you will usually find some there. ST>Do most people find 18k to be adequate RAM? I assume this is on the mailbox? The minimal I got on the 1278B is plenty enough for me. I think it is 16K? Thats 16K worth of messages sent to your mailbox. Depends on how much mail you get and how often you want to review/delete your old mail. ST>Are there any features that make one unit significantly better than the othe ST>Are there any glaring problems with either? I have had some problems with the MFJ during Pactor, which is my favorite mode. The tnc will occasionally lockup. I seem to have more problems than others on the band during my links. So much of this may be from problems in my station setup, RFI etc. If I would have doled out the $59 for the MFJ program that supports the tnc I might feel better. The reason I went with the mfj was for sstv and not having the supporting program makes this almost impossible. I am trying to write some software to display the pictures myself, but it is slow going. If you get the mfj I would strongly reccommend getting the supporting program. It is an extra $59 but will allow you to receive sstv/fax with real-time display. Reports on the rest of the mfj terminal program I have heard are not too good. But you can use most other shareware type software for packet/p[actor/rtty/etc. To date I have not seen any software that supports the mfj sstv/fax modes. I have used LanLink for the other modes, and it supports the mfj very well. My packet reception on 2 meters is not as good as it should be. I only receive packets if I get a full scale signal. My 2m reciever has 5 bars indicating signal strength, and I do not receive good packets if only two bars are lit. I think this is more a problem with my tnc than with mfj tnc's in general, since another ham I know, who has an mfj1278 (no B) told me I should be recieving packets with that type of signal strength. I have talked with mfj tech support about 3 times. Once was on the lockup problem and they immediatly sent me a revised eprom, no questions asked except for my mailing address. I received the new eprom about 3-4 days later. I had to ask twice for specs on the sstv formats for writing my own p[rogram. I think the first request which I made at the same time as the eprom revision got lost. The second request was responded to promptly. I received a disk within a week. Overall I would rate the dealings I had with their tech support as excellent. It is hard to get through to them at first, (phone busy, 800 number always busy) but once I did, they took care of me. ST>better designed TNC, with a lot of support from AEA and amateurs. He ST>claimed the filtering and reception on the PK-232 was superior to the ST>MFJ. There are a lot of PK232 users out there I have linked with. Very few mfj users. I have linked with about 5 - 6 mfj 1278b hams. If I remeber right, they all reported the lockup problem in Pactor similiar to mine. This lockup is more frustrating than devasting. When it happens, I turn the tnc on/off, re-enter my callsign, and re-link. I don't know if the AEA has a similiar problem. Didja look into the KAMS at all? Reports on the new GTOR mode sound really good. I dunno if MFJ or AEA are planning (or even can if they ant?) on adding this mode or not? Tom Dengler - KE4IRV internet: * SLMR 2.1a * ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 15:24:30 GMT From: spsgate!mogate!newsgate! Subject: Software for KAM Plus? To: In article (Jim Hartwell) writes: > Hi David Take a look at XPKAM you should be able to find it on most ham > bbs It very good > 73 Jim K7UDG/UA4PDG Can you point us to any FTP sites that have it? I looked and can't find it. Thanks & 73... Mark AA7TA ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 94 11:29:05 CST From:!!agate!!!!!! Subject: TEKK Radios query To: In article <2qufd7$>, (NealB35819) writes: > One of the past messages stated that a certain TEKK radio would not be suitable > for 9600baud operation....Was very curious as to what radio model that was and > if it was a KS-960 ( which I own)I need this radio for a 440backbone in > northenr Wyoming....tnx in advance.....Neal KE7VS According to the TEKK people in Kansas City all KS-960 LOW-BAND radios shipped for the last 6 weeks have had a mod that allows 9600-baud operation. They will make the mod at no charge if the unit is within warranty. Also, a mod article on the TEKK radios has or will be published real soon by NEDA. I found a file on the WA6RDH landline BBS. The word is that the mods improve throughput by 40%. ______________________________________________________________________________ Carl Estey | Home Mail Address: 276 Walnut Lane Amateur Callsign: WA0CQG | Apple Valley, MN 55124 | Business Address: Honeywell Inc. Phone: Work (612) 954-7630 | Flight Systems & Test Operations M/S MN15-2370 FAX (612) 954-7495 | 1625 Zarthan Ave. S., St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Home (612) 432-0699 | Packet: WA0CQG @ WA0CQG.#MSP.MN.USA.NA The nonsense here is of my own making - no one else would want credit! ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 1994 22:08:19 -0700 From:!! Subject: WA6RDH LLBBS Number To: In a recent posting Carl said: > Also, a mod article on the TEKK radios has or will be published real soon by > NEDA. I found a file on the WA6RDH landline BBS. The word is that the > mods improve throughput by 40%. Only trouble is I don't know the number for the the WA6RDH LLBBS... Could someone post the number or email it to me... I'd appreciate it... Thanks... Dennis N6NG -- Dennis dennis@ccwest.n6ng n6ng@wd6cmu ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #148 ******************************